Corporate E-Learning
Teknik Memotivasi Karyawan dan Tim untuk Para Manajer
Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviors, and continue to manage this responsibility. When we implement goals and communicate with one another, we can achieve powerful results. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. Every team member must have a strong understanding of the values of the company and recognize the importance of their dedication, in order to attain success.
The Accountability in the Workplace course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work towards achieving the benefits of accountability. Accountable employees will fuel performance and productivity, and generate an enhanced workplace.
Learning Focus / Category
Corporate E-Learning
Membangun Sikap Tegas dan Rasa Percaya Diri (Building Confidence and Assertiveness)
Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviors, and continue to manage this responsibility. When we implement goals and communicate with one another, we can achieve powerful results. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. Every team member must have a strong understanding of the values of the company and recognize the importance of their dedication, in order to attain success.
The Accountability in the Workplace course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work towards achieving the benefits of accountability. Accountable employees will fuel performance and productivity, and generate an enhanced workplace.
Learning Focus / Category
Course Info
- 2,5 jam on-demand video
- Untuk semua level karyawan
- Tidak ada persyaratan kursus sebelumnya yang wajib diikuti
- Tersedia sertifikat
- Dapat ditambah assignment
- Dilengkapi dengan quiz
Course Outline
Modul 1: Getting Started
- Housekeeping Items
- The Parking Lot
- Workshop Objectives
- Pre-Assignment
- Pre-Test
- Action Plans and Evaluations
- Action Plan Form
- Evaluation Form
Modul 2: Understanding Anger
- The Cycle of Anger
- Is Anger Good or Bad?
- Fight or Flight
- Common Myths About Anger
- Sources of Anger
- Practical Illustration
- Module Two: Review Questions
Modul 3:
The Styles of Anger
- Aggressive
- Passive
- Passive-Aggressive
- Projective-Aggressive
- Assertive
- Practical Illustration
- Module Three: Review Questions
Modul 4:
Gaining Control
- Recognizing Anger
- Using Coping Thoughts
- Using Relaxation Techniques
- Blowing Off Some Steam
- The Triple A Approach
- Practical Illustration
- Module Four: Review Questions
Modul 5:
Separate the People from the Problem
- Objective vs Subjective Language
- Identifying the Problem
- Using “I” Messages
- How Anger Affects Perception
- Consider Emotions
- Practical Illustration
- Module Five: Review Questions
Modul 6:
Working on the Problem
- Using Constructive Disagreement
- Negotiation Tips
- Building Consensus
- Identifying Solutions
- The Power of Apologies
- Practical Illustration
- Module Six: Review Questions
Modul 7: Solving the Problem
- Choosing a Solution
- Making a Plan
- Getting it Done
- Ineffective Problem Solving
- Effective Problem Solving
- Practical Illustration
- Module Seven: Review Questions
Modul 8: A Personal Plan
- Understanding Hot Buttons
- Identifying Your Hot Buttons
- A Personal Anger Log
- Acknowledging the Anger Problem
- The Power of Self-Talk
- Practical Illustration
- Module Eight: Review Questions
Modul 9: Communicating Your Anger
- Using Emotional Intelligence
- Cognitive Restructuring
- Responding vs. Reacting
- Write it Out
- Find the Humor
- Practical Illustration
- Module Nine: Review Questions
Modul 10: Dealing with Angry People
- Understanding the Energy Curve
- De-Escalation Techniques
- Calming Anger With EAR
- Avoid Responding With Anger
- When to Back Away and What to Do Next
- Practical Illustration
- Module Ten: Review Questions
Modul 11: Pulling it All Together
- Process Overview
- Find Your Motivation
- One Change at a Time
- Choose an Accountability Partner
- Seek a Mental Health Professional
- Practical Illustration
- Module Eleven: Review Questions
Modul 12: Wrapping Up
- Words from the Wise
- Parking Lot
- Action Plans and Evaluations
Fitur E-Learning
Semua e-learning contents Asah Indonesia memiliki fitur-fitur lengkap untuk menunjang pembelajaran karyawan korporasi secara efektif. Berikut beberapa fitur unggulan yang tersedia:
Kompatibel dengan Semua Jenis LMS & LXP
E-learning ini dapat dimuat/diunggah ke semua jenis platform LMS & LXP
Subject Matter Expert
E-learning disusun oleh Subject Matter Expert yang kompeten di bidangnya
World-class E-Learning Content
E-learning content dirancang dengan standar internasional
Comprehensive Content
Muatan e-learning mencakup konten pembelajaran secara komprehensif
Lifetime License
E-learning dilengkapi dengan lisensi penggunaan tanpa batas waktu
Dapat disunting / diedit
E-learning ini dapat disunting atau diedit sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan
E-learning dapat di-rebranding sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan
Unlimited Users
E-learning ini dapat diikuti oleh jumlah pembelajar tanpa batas
Unlimited & Lifetime Access
E-learning ini dapat disunting atau diedit sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan
Course Retake Policy Ready
Dapat disesuaikan dengan kebijakan pengulangan kursus
Knowledge Check
E-learning dilengkapi dengan quiz dan dapat ditambah penugasan
Sequential Drip-Feed Content Ready
Akses ke sub-konten dapat diatur sesuai kebijakan perusahaan
Virtual Training Ready
Gabungkan pelatihan e-learning dengan aplikasi Zoom Conference
Dapat dikombinasi dengan fitur gamifikasi dalam LMS
Blended Learning
Tersedia materi untuk pelatihan di kelas (instructor-led training)
Multi Bahasa
Tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
Digital Certificate
Sertifikat tersedia untuk modul e-learning ini dapat dapat dikustomisasi