Corporate E-Learning

Active Listening (Menyimak dengan Aktif dan Penuh Perhatian)

Product Code: AL-928374

0 Reviews


Deskripsi Singkat

Active Listening involves hearing what others are saying, processing the information, and responding to it in order to clarify and elicit more information. Active listening is a fundamental business skill, and this one-day training course will provide participants with techniques to listen actively and create deeper connections with others.

Topics covered include ways to become a better listener; understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy; encouraging conversation through paraphrasing and questioning; building rapport; and overcoming listening roadblocks. This comprehensive, customizable courseware includes everything that you need to start providing training. Materials include an instructor’s guide, student manual, PowerPoint presentation, course outline, and more!

Corporate e-learning for your LMS

Active Listening (Menyimak dengan Aktif dan Penuh Perhatian)

0 Reviews


Product Code:


Active Listening involves hearing what others are saying, processing the information, and responding to it in order to clarify and elicit more information. Active listening is a fundamental business skill, and this one-day training course will provide participants with techniques to listen actively and create deeper connections with others.

Topics covered include ways to become a better listener; understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy; encouraging conversation through paraphrasing and questioning; building rapport; and overcoming listening roadblocks. This comprehensive, customizable courseware includes everything that you need to start providing training. Materials include an instructor’s guide, student manual, PowerPoint presentation, course outline, and more!

Learning Focus

Active ListeningEffective CommunicationEmotional IntelligenceInterpersonal SkillsPrioritizationResilienceSoft Skills

Peserta yang Disarankan

Asst. ManagerJunior OfficerJunior StaffOfficerSecretarySenior OfficerSenior StaffStaffSupervisorTeam HeadTeam Leader

Multi-Device Access

Course Info

Manfaat kursus ini

  • Meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak

Course Outline

Modul 1

Modul 2

Modul 3

Modul 4

Modul 5

Modul 6

Modul 7

Modul 8

Modul 9

Modul 10

Modul 11

Modul 12

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Jika Anda berminat menggunakan materi pelatihan ini untuk pengajaran di kelas (Instructor Led-Training), silahkan hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Fitur E-Learning

Semua e-learning contents Asah Indonesia memiliki fitur-fitur lengkap untuk menunjang pembelajaran karyawan korporasi secara efektif. Berikut beberapa fitur unggulan yang tersedia:

Kompatibel dengan Semua Jenis LMS & LXP

E-learning ini dapat dimuat/diunggah ke semua jenis platform LMS & LXP

Subject Matter Expert

E-learning disusun oleh Subject Matter Expert yang kompeten di bidangnya

World-class E-Learning Content

E-learning content dirancang dengan standar internasional

Comprehensive Content

Muatan e-learning mencakup konten pembelajaran secara komprehensif

Lifetime License

E-learning dilengkapi dengan lisensi penggunaan tanpa batas waktu

Dapat disunting / diedit

E-learning ini dapat disunting atau diedit sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan


E-learning dapat di-rebranding sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan

Unlimited Users

E-learning ini dapat diikuti oleh jumlah pembelajar tanpa batas

Unlimited & Lifetime Access

E-learning ini dapat disunting atau diedit sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan

Course Retake Policy Ready

Dapat disesuaikan dengan kebijakan pengulangan kursus

Knowledge Check

E-learning dilengkapi dengan quiz dan dapat ditambah penugasan

Sequential Drip-Feed Content Ready

Akses ke sub-konten dapat diatur sesuai kebijakan perusahaan


Virtual Training Integration Ready

Gabungkan pelatihan e-learning dengan aplikasi Zoom Conference


Dapat dikombinasi dengan fitur gamifikasi dalam LMS

Blended Learning

Tersedia materi untuk pelatihan di kelas (instructor-led training)

Multi Bahasa

Tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris

Digital Certificate

Sertifikat tersedia untuk modul e-learning ini dapat dapat dikustomisasi

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